Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Survived the Summer!

So I had these great ambitions to blog all summer long about all the awesome programs we were doing at my library.

That failed.

Turns out I was way too busy (and way too exhausted) to even think about blogging throughout the summer. Luckily things have calmed down (not really) enough for me to start posting regularly again.

Looking at my fall schedule, I can tell you I have 4 different steady programs a week with 3 of them being storytimes. On top of that I have preschool visits outside of the building and the occasional special program on weekends (Super Hero Party in November!!!).

I will try my hardest to keep up with blogging about the storytimes, at least. I'll be changing the format of how I post and probably slim down the text, just bare bones info. However, if that leaves you with questions just leave a comment! I'm also hoping to start actively participating in Flannel Friday, so we'll see how that goes. Amy over at Catch the Possibilities is a great inspiration to me when it comes to blogging and Flannel Friday. She's been pushing to be a part of Flannel Friday for some time now (and was in fact the reason I started this blog), so let's keep our fingers crossed that I can do this!

With all that settled I'm going to start writing about my storytimes from last week, hopefully they will show up here within the next couple of days.

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